3 min read图片说明: 汤志敏(中,女)2014年3月在布鲁塞尔演讲, 呼吁自由中国
I dare not to challenge His Holiness the Dalai Lama. I just want to point out something to hem. Dear en most respectful Dalai Lama, since I am not a Tibetan nun and not a student of Tibetan Buddhism, I am not familiar with the formality of approaching you. If I make mistakes, please forgive me and tell me how to do it right. Dear Dalai Lama, it really took me a very long time to understand Tibet and China. During my early years in China, I had never heard about you. Not in the schoolbooks, not in the newspapers, not on the radio or television. You did not exist. After I was exiled to Europe because of my participation in the students strike on the Tian An Men Square in 1989, I became scared of you Because all I could read about you in the Chinese language was bad. You were a monster. Finally when I figured out what kind of person you are and why you are portrayed like that by CCP propaganda, it was the year of 2008. Then I became angry. Angry about how evil Chinese Communists regime is. Angry about how stupid my fellow Chinese land mates are. Angry about how powerless I am.
我不敢挑戰尊者達賴喇嘛, 我只是想向達賴喇嘛尊者提出一點想法。親愛的最尊貴的達賴喇嘛, 因為我不是藏傳佛教徒, 我對如何與您打交道不熟悉, 如果我的言行不合適或者不禮貌, 請原諒我的無知, 並請告訴我如何改正。 尊者達賴喇嘛,真正認識西藏和中國花了我太長太長的時間,我早年在中國的時候,從未聽說過您, 無論在學校的課本,還是國家的報刊, 廣播, 電視, 從未發現有關您的事蹟, 您好像從來沒有存在過。後來, 我因為參加89天安門學運,被迫離開中國,來到歐洲以後, 我覺得您很恐怖,我怕您, 因為我在幾乎所有華文的諮詢裡, 看到有關您的消息完全是負面的。當我終於自己得出結論, 您究竟是怎樣的一個人,以及中共為什麼會把您描繪成魔鬼的時候, 已經是2008年了。我憤怒了,憤怒中共的邪惡, 憤怒我的國民依然愚昧被矇騙, 憤怒我自己無力改變這個局面。
In 2009, when I got to know that the Chinese Communists Embassy in The Hage forbade Dutch prime minister from meeting you. When I saw that Chinese community and also Chinese students were misused to demonstrate against you. They called you liar They gathered on the Dam Square in Amsterdam and also on the square in front of the Dutch parliament in The Hage. They behavioured themselves like red monsters of Mao Zedong in 1970’s. I saw how shocked and powerless the Dutch policemen looking at those demonstrations which were obviously organized by the Chinese Embassy. I was angry. I went to ask the Dutch police men why they let it happen. They shook their heads and said to me that they could not do anything else because their law gives anybody permission to demonstrate and they had to protect any demonstrators. I realize that the Communists are now also misusing democracy, misusing freedom I realise that CCP is planning to destroy democracy in the Western countries
2009年, 我得知中共駐海牙使館不允許荷蘭總理接見您,而且荷蘭總理還真的聽了中共的話,我看到荷蘭的華人和中國留學生被調動上街去遊行反對您, 他們說您是騙子。他們聚集在海牙國會廣場, 還有阿姆斯特丹自由廣場,像是70年到毛澤東的魔子魔孫那樣, 搖著血紅的五星旗,唱著紅歌,我看到荷蘭的警察面對這些明顯是中共使館操縱的遊行束手無策。 我很生氣, 我去質問荷蘭的警察, 他們怎麼可以允許這樣的所謂遊行在荷蘭的土地上發生, 他們搖著頭告訴我說, 他們毫無辦法, 他們國家的法律允許所有遊行, 而他們的任務是保護所有遊行者的安全。我意識到邪惡中共正式向西方的民主和自由發起進攻, 他們要用假的民主來破壞真的民主, 要用假的自由來替換真的自由!
Bearing this discovery in my head, I dressed as Lady Liberty and went in between the demonstrators Instead of asking me why I have a different opinion about you, they shouted to me that it was a big mistake that they did not kill me when I was in China Dear Dalai Lama, at that moment, I understood suddenly what does the Holy Bible really mean with possession by evil spirit. Chinese people are possessed by CCP evil spirit and are not normal human any more They love killing
忍無可忍,我裝扮成了自由女神, 走進他們的抗議人群,希望和他們交流, 結果他們不但不和我交流, 問問我為什麼對您有不同的看法, 他們衝著我大喊, 說在中國的時候, 沒有殺了我, 是他們的錯, 並威脅要打我。尊敬的達賴喇嘛, 在那一刻, 我突然明白《聖經》裡所講的被邪靈附體的真正涵義。中國人原來是被中共這個來自歐洲的邪靈附體了!他們不再是正常的人類, 因為他們酷愛屠殺生靈!
I was shocked by this discovery. It means that our struggle is not just a struggle against human beings who hold a different idea. It is a struggle against evil spirits which possess Chinese people It is more complicated than what I had expected. I remember again how Jesus Christ damned the evil spirits in order to save the possessed people. I realize that without stateliness, compassion is difficult to be shown. Without condemning the evil spirit, the possessed human beings can not be saved.
這個發現讓我極度震驚和悲傷, 這意味著我們的抗爭不是對持不同政見者的抗爭,而是與附體了普通中國人的邪魔的抗爭!問題比我想像的要復雜得多。 我又想起了《聖經》裡,耶穌基督如何呵斥附在人體上的邪靈,我突然明白一個道理:離開了威嚴, 慈悲沒有意義。如果不去呵斥附著在人體身上的邪靈, 被邪靈所附體的人是無法得救的。
Dear Dalai Lama, you have inspired me very much. I have taken you as an great example in my strike. Without hatred and regret you stay as yourself. Happy with your own culture and own tradition. Instead of hate the Chinese, you love them. Yet at one point I do not agree with you. You want to get freedom for Tibet under the governing of Peoples Republic of China, which is merely a weapon of CCP to possess the Chinese people. It is not China at all To admit the existence of the People’s Republic of China, which is a private property of the Chinese Communists Party, is in my eyes, not different from permitting the CCP evil spirit possessing China and the Chinese people. I am afraid that by acting in this way, your love for China and for the Chinese people will be misused. I worry about it.
親愛的達賴喇嘛尊者,您鼓舞了我的抗爭, 我一直以您為榜樣,您無怨無悔,以自己民族的文化和傳統為榮為傲,不記恨漢人在西藏被中共利用而犯下了滔天罪過, 反而熱愛他們,您說您願意做中國人,我很感動。 但是, 有一點, 我卻不敢與您苟同,您 願意在中華人民共和國的框架之下尋求西藏的自由和尊嚴, 可是中華人民共和國根本不是中國, 那只是中共的私家財產, 是中共賴以附體中國和中國人的武器。中國人的中國是中華民國。
在我的眼裡, 認可中華人民共和國的存在, 就等於認可中共邪靈附體中國和中國人。這樣做, 我擔心您對中國和中國人的一片真心和慈悲被濫用而不能傳達愛的效果。
下面這個鏈接的視頻裡收集的照片便是我當時《自由女神》行動之後,我一氣之下, 走遍荷蘭26個城市, 尋找漢人, 跟他們講述西藏真相的“自由女神走天下,雲遊四方見瀟灑,揭露邪惡講真相, 眾生得救在晚霞”行動之中, 荷蘭記者unai全程跟踪報導所拍攝下來的,這首《青藏高原》 是我在那段時間演唱的, 敢與彭麗媛一比高低!
I receive a call from Tibet and I am trying to spread this call to the beloved Chinese people. 其实,我们应该感谢藏人, 感谢达赖喇嘛, 他们在为我们中国人,也为世界承受,是为了唤醒我们,唤醒世界! 这个世界需要慈悲, 需要真诚, 需要忍让和包容, 需要奉献。需要像达赖喇嘛那样的人!
附录: 汤志敏行为艺术《自由女神挺西藏》 https://myspace.com/monazhimintang/video/a-call-from-tibet-/100770878